Consecration Overview



Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. My wife Helena and I have been blessed not only to serve in the business world but also to pastor in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. We know what it is to struggle in every area of life, but we also know how to obtain the victory in every area of life, by applying God’s promises to every situation. Whether working in the secular world or serving in full-time ministry, everyone is susceptible to a dulling of the senses and thus a spiritual radar that needs a little adjusting (smile). Our hearts are for the lost, but also for Christians who have never experienced victorious living in Christ.

We are aware of the various beliefs and doctrines taught within the body of Christ concerning Prayer and Fasting. This small booklet is not written to address doctrinal differences, but is written from a pastor’s perspective in a local charismatic church which practices and believes that Fasting and Prayer are vital tools for individual believers and the church corporate body to battle the forces of the enemy and to provide a basic discipline for holy living. We do not advocate any extremes as it pertains to prayer and fasting, but we do believe that prayer and fasting with the proper biblical mandates can provide an environment for believers to “fight the good fight of faith” and “bind and loose” and partake of the spiritual blessings that belong to those who serve Jesus Christ.

Our dream is that every believer would walk in true fellowship with our Lord and live a life of Victory that allows the lost to break into the Kingdom of God! May the Lord bless you as you decide to participate in the great conflict against our adversary, the devil and fight for the souls of Men for our God.

In His Power,

Bishop Holloway

The Issues

America is experiencing something it has not experienced since the days of the Civil War. Our nation is experiencing a fight for its very core reason of existence, worshiping the only true God and sharing the Good News of Christ to all of humanity. The Civil War brought brother against brother and family against family with the very existence of the Union at stake. We are now fighting a new civil war with secular humanists and liberals fighting to make Christianity a byword and a crime (if they had their way). We believe the church of Jesus Christ is living in the greatest time ever. But we as a church have become ineffective in our development of strategies to contend for the faith. The war has been fought in the courts, schools and the economic arena with the church sitting back waiting for the blood of a family member to awake itself. The Church is now wide awake and realized that we have let secularism dominate all arenas of life and now our children are suffering.
The tide is about to turn in this war for the very soul of America and it starts with fighting with “weapons that are not carnal, but mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into obedience of Christ, (II Cor. 10:4-5). The very environment where decisions are made on a local, state and federal level must be changed to provide a means for Godly influence.
Therefore, this small book is a theological grass roots effort to educate and help Christians understand that everything in the natural starts with influence from the supernatural. We must use the tools of fasting and prayer to help us fight against the enemies of our soul and nation and receive heavenly strategies to influence and implement righteousness back into our families, local communities, public schools, and the courts. We pray that every local church will rise up and fulfill its calling to be the “city set on a hill” for all to see.


The very word consecration implies something set apart for some type of use. We are aware that people, vessels, and anything else can be consecrated for noble and ignoble purposes. We believe that biblical consecration is the choice of the believer. Christ’s sacrifice has separated us to Him and allowed His righteousness to be imputed to us so we can walk in the liberty of our Lord Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, God has called us to be “Holy as He is Holy” (I Peter 1:16). We therefore must learn and define  what is it to “be Holy”. There have been doctrines and numerous volumes written on this particular subject and we do not have time in this brief booklet to examine each one. Thus we will apply the K.I.S.S. principal here “Keep it Simple Saints” to this particular subject.

Our definition of Consecration is: “To lay aside a period of time for repentance, reflection, mediation, declaration and renewal by an act of our will to allow God’s Spirit to speak, clean, show and move on our behalf and others.”

We must sit in His presence to receive his desires and hear His voice. How do people Consecrate? God is the only one who makes men Holy but God has stated that men can seek His face and He will be found. The Bible declares “without Holiness no one shall see the Lord” therefore, if we do not provide a holy vessel (set apart) for Godly uses no one is going to see (watch, experience, eyewitness) the divine in Human vessels.  Consecration through prayer and fasting is one of the ways God has given us to get focused and bring about self-examination and Holy Spirit illumination through hearing, reading, and acting on his Word. God wants to use us in these end times, but He is looking for a people who will believe him and set themselves apart for His uses. It’s time to Let God arise and His enemies be scattered.
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Important Fasting Information



BEFORE YOU ENTER INTO A FAST of a week or more, it is best that you prepare your body a few days (3-5) in advance with a cleansing diet of fresh vegetables and fruits ending with days of liberal amounts of pure fruit juices. This will help greatly in easing the transition from stimulation (the average daily diet) to detoxification (rest, repair and healing process or a fast).


GOD DIDN’T TELL ME TO FAST? God will sometimes call you to fast and at other times we must humble ourselves or just be used by God to intercede, Mark 2:20 says…”Then shall they fast in those days” Remember you are fighting against spiritual forces of darkness (Satan) and he will come in many forms to defeat you if he can, so fast from food and “eat the Word”; study, search, meditate, declare on the Word and let the Word dig deep inside your inner man. There will be a craving for food and discomfort. Be aware that some of these things may occur, especially when rising from a sitting position too quickly, such as; “weakness, dizziness, sharp pains, vomit- ing, hot flashes, fever, insomnia, foul breath and etc. This is considered normal and will pass usually in 7-10 days.


For many of us this will be our first time fasting and one day going without food will probably make us CRY OUT TO GOD FOR FOOD! (MY EMPHASIS) but when praying and fasting become part of your lifestyle you will witness breakthroughs in your life and others. “Submit yourselves to God (Fast), resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7-9).” The humbling experience of denying oneself of food, strengthens your character (Hebrews 12:1-2) garners self discipline. This can provide you with a feeling of well being, a lighter step, a clearer eye, a sharper brain, and also a higher endurance level and a greater efficiency for work and activity. It kindles a real zeal for God.

How can we neglect so Many Promises?


We hope you will be inspired to seek God after reading just a little of what God has provided to us who believe through proper fasting and prayer. Our families and our Churches and this nation need believers who are willing to intercede on their behalf and destroy the strongholds that have been developed over generations. We at Christian Life Center have made up in our minds that “ordinary just won’t do” and we want all that God has for San Diego, this Nation and the World.


Consecration is something we must decide to do in the power of His Spirit. We are convinced that God is always up to something in the World and if our spiritual antennas are not functioning properly, then we could miss the very instructions that will change our churches and this nation.

Now let us Pray:

Repeat these Words:


“I love you Lord and I thank you for Your Son Jesus Christ. We  ask  for your forgiveness of our sins as a Nation. We acknowledge our apathy in allowing secular humanists to take over what should belong to your Body the Church. We acknowledge our sins of slothfulness in not praying with urgency for our families, leaders, churches, nation and the world. Help us to obey your Word and consecrate our lives to you and your perfect will in our lives. We will start today because you are a God of new beginnings. Help us to fight the powers of darkness through your name and allow your will to be done. We thank you for your courage and strength to be world changers.  In Jesus Name.


Each day you should maintain a great attitude in all you do, while prayerfully grooming yourself so as not to appear to be fasting. Drink at least two quarts of water  every day of your fast. Drink water that is not too cold. IF POSSIBLE, DRINK DISTILLED WATER  ONLY,  AS  REGULAR  FAUCET WATER  IS HEAVILY

CHLORINATED. Water is vital to keep the channel of elimination (bowels and urinary tract) functioning properly. Bowels should move every few days, but if not, do not be alarmed but do continue drinking good amounts of pure water (distilled). DO NOT USE LAXATIVES, PURGATIVES, OR SUPPOSITORIES  DURING

A FAST.  Your bowels will move as often as they need to.




The skin is the largest organ of elimination of the body and when fasting, as with all the other organs of elimination, it is really burdened with eliminating poisons. When one fasts, the pores excrete poisons and are covered with toxins, so it is important to keep your body clean and free of toxic buildup. This is done by thoroughly cleansing the skin daily with a loofa or skin brush. Unless one has deep-seated ailments, most wastes, poisons and toxins, will be oxidized and passed off in approximately seven  to ten days.




You must get adequate rest (mentally and physically). You should participate in light exercise every day. During your fast use wisdom when exercising. While some form of exercise is needed, you must not participate in strenuous exercise. Just don’t go beyond what your body can bear. Get some sunshine each day if possible. Walking and small periods exercise allow your pulse rate to increase and the blood to circulate which will expel and move toxins and poisons out of the body. Remember if fasting is new to you, be aware that insomnia can take place because of all the changes in the body so find a good book or whatever can bring you to a restful state. Don’t be alarmed at those late nights, (I am a witness) just remember that fasting and prayer go together.




During your fast many toxins will be eliminated and bad breath is one of the areas many neglect. Have mints or other items to help with this particular area. Furthermore, it is advisable to take one shower or bath daily. Your showers or baths should be with warm water that is comfortable. You should stay away from extremely hot baths or showers or steam baths, etc. For more information concerning this advice please do your own research.


You should consider 1 Cor. 7:5, “Do not deprive one another (of your due marital rights) except with consent for a time that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer. And come together again so that Satan does not tempt you (to sin) because of your lack of self-control” One should seek the Lord for knowledge, wisdom and harmony, especially if their spouse is unbelieving. (James 1:5)


Every couple should understand the benefits and warnings of fasting. My wife and I have had nothing but benefits as two believers seeking God’s face. But there are times when my wife will ask for my consent on a longer fast and I will request for her to fast during another time frame. God gave us this advice so the enemy would not have his way with our marriages. My wife always submits in this area because she understands God Word. When prayer and fasting are entered into by a couple in one accord (watch out!) because they will defeat the enemy and their relationship will become more intimate and you know there will be no problem with mutual consent (smile).







Always break a fast slowly and by gradually adding things back to your diet. Eat light breakfasts (juice and fruit), light lunches (salads), and maintain very light dinners for several days following the fasting time. This is a great time to begin wise eating decisions. Any meal you eat after the fast will be the “break-fast,” whether morning, noon or night. Eat as little as possible, don’t go back to the garbage gut lifestyle (smile) WHEN BREAKING THE FAST EAT SLOWLY AND CHEW THE FOOD THOROUGHLY. This helps in proper digestion. Don’t break your fast with spicy meals because they stress the digestive system that has been in a state of relaxation. Again do not overeat! Always take several days (one day of fresh juice for every five days of fasting) to gradually transcend to a vegetable diet. Whether you have fasted three days or 24 days, THE FIRST THREE DAYS AFTER YOUR FAST ARE THE MOST

IMPORTANT.  No matter how long you fast, if you do not break it right you could do more harm to your physical body. It takes just as much (maybe more) discipline to break a fast than to start a fast.


During a fast, especially the first few fasts, the body is still quite toxic and certain cleansing and healing sensations can be experienced. It is best to know about this in advance so as not to become alarmed or discouraged if and when they occur.


Sometimes when a fast is improperly broken, many uncomfortable conditions can arise. Bloating and other conditions can be corrected by spacing your meals at longer intervals, going on a partial fast again, and then proceeding to break the fast properly.

“If you take away the yoke from your midst, The pointing of the finger, and speak- ing wickedness, 10 If you extend your soul to the hungry And satisfy the afflicted soul, Then your light shall dawn in the darkness, And your darkness shall be as the noonday. 11 The LORD will guide you continually, And satisfy your soul in drought, And strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden, And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail. 12 Those from among you Shall build the old waste places; You shall raise up the foundations of many generations; And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In.


More things He expects you to do during your Fast

  1. Take away the yoke from your midst
  2. The pointing of the finger
  3. Speaking wickedness
  4. Satisfy the hungry and afflicted soul


More Promises concerning proper fasting

  1. Light shall shine in Darkness
  2. Your darkness shall be as the noonday
  3. The Lord will guide you continually
  4. The Lord will satisfy the drought in your soul
  5. The Lord will strengthen your bones
  6. You will be like a well watered garden
  7. Like a spring that never stops flowing
  8. Those from among you shall build waste places
  9. Your shall raise up foundations for many generations
  10. You shall be called “Repairer of the Breach”
  11. Restorer of Streets to dwell in

Proper way of Fasting

6 “Is this not the fast that I have chosen:To loose the bonds of wickedness, To undo the heavy burdens, To let the oppressed go free, And that you break every yoke? 7 Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, And that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out; When you see the naked, that you cover him, And not hide yourself from your own flesh? 8 Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard. 9 Then you shall call, and the LORD will answer; You shall cry, and He will say, ‘Here I Am.”


These are some of the things God has commanded us to do while humbling ourselves before him:

  1. Loose the bonds of wickedness
  2. Undo heavy burdens for others
  3. Let the oppressed go free
  4. Share your bread
  5. Open your house to the poor and outcast
  6. Do not hide from your family


These are some of the Promises:

  1. Your light (renewal) will come out
  2. Healing will come quickly
  3. Righteousness will go before you
  4. Glory of the Lord shall protect you
  5. When you call on the Lord He will answer


“Here I AM!”




or find it difficult to fast and carry on your daily work or activity, you can begin with “partial” fasting by abstaining from one or two meals daily. Some days you may choose to forego all three meals. YOU CAN OF COURSE BREAK THE FAST PROPERLY AT ANY TIME YOU FIND THE EXPERIENCE TOO UNPLEAS-

ANT. Successive fasting becomes easier as we flush out our system of poisons. We quickly become more sensitive and susceptible to spiritual awareness and renewals.


Fasting as a lifestyle choice is a trying experience. Your body does not want to fast, your friends may not want you to fast, and certainly the devil does not want you to fast because he knows that THE POWERS OF HEAVEN ARE UNLEASHED AGAINST HIM WHEN YOU FAST AND PRAY.FASTING CAN BE YOUR KEY TO HEALTH

because it purifies every cell in your body. Even a two-day weekly fast will cleanse out the accumulation of toxic debris from your circulatory system and vital organs. One cannot starve themselves and become healthy, but by prayer and reasonable periods of fasting one can provide critical health benefits. Again, Remember that breaking THE FAST IS THE MOST CRITICAL POINT OF THE ENTIRE FAST. Sipping juices can help greatly in most cases.


The stomach and intestinal tract go to sleep after a few days of fasting. When wrong food is placed into them suddenly, and in the wrong manner and quantity, they REBEL. They cannot awake suddenly. To receive real benefits from fasting, a nutritious build up diet of natural foods must be taken. This will help supply the regenerative process initiated by the body during the fast. Strength and energy should be conserved more during the fast because great strain and labor is required to enable the stomach to receive food again.


PLEASE BE PATIENT AT THIS TIME! Also do not become anxious because your strength is at a minimum. It will pick up as soon as the stomach can readjust suf- ficiently to assimilate the heavier food soon to be received. During the “breakfast,” meals should be spaced 4 to 5 hours apart. Be sure to complete all eating by 8 PM. This allows the body to perform at its best because it can follow the normal digestive outline that follows


First day: Three or four meals of fresh citrus fruit or juices. Lots of Water.

Second day: Light soups, fresh fruit, vegetables, and salads. Lots of Water.

Succeeding days: Gradually work in a regular diet leaving off any unhealthy “habit formed” indulgences, etc. Lots of Water.



First 2 days: Break the fast on fresh fruit juice. At the next meal eat fresh citrus fruit moderately. For the balance of the two days you may eat three or four meals of fresh citrus fruit only. Lots of Water.

Third day: Light soups or skim milk, buttermilk, or yogurt. Lots of Water.

Fourth day: Green salad or steamed light vegetables. Lots of water.

Fifth day and after: Three meals of fresh fruit, green salad, yogurt, or some nuts may be eaten. Lots of Water.


This does not constitute a definitive perfect plan. Please study for yourself proper ways of breaking a fast that fit your particular make up.
