Bishop’s Update
Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Helena and I are so excited about 2024 God is always up to something and our desire is that Christian Life Center is always involved in what God is doing. Our goal is to impact the San Diego Community by any means necessary and to show the love of God through our ministry to hurting people. We are now located in Chula Vista. We are now coming up on our 24th Anniversary this October and we are believing God for permanent provision financially and to believe God for ownership of buildings and land. The mission for 2025 is to “More Alive in 2025” and to love our Lord by obeying His Commands as a local church. Our hope is that every person at Christian Life Center will get connected to their Church Family. We believe transparent and real relationships in the Body of Christ allows everyone to mature and experience the love of Christ. Therefore, we would like to encourage everyone to stay strong in church attendance, get involved in ministry and attend a Connect group. This will allow every member to witness the difference in their spiritual formation. We know God is Good all the Time and we want you to believe God for the impossible. Helena and I will continue to preach, teach and heal the sick as we continue to develop and mature a body of believers who will be ready to bring results to any assignment God gives to our Church Body. Beloved, stay strong and fight the Good Fight of Faith and resist the devil and he will flee from you. Jesus was manifested to destroy the works of the Devil! We look forward to seeing you every Sunday and Wednesday!
4n His Power
Bishop Holloway & Pastor Helena